Zud.io: Zudio Azure Storage Management Tools For Mac

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Dog fooding is certainly one way to develop software, and I respect enormously the companies that do it, but 'software for software developers' is a rather small subset of e.g. B2B software. I don't use Appointment Reminder like my customers do. I can't, because I don't own an HVAC company with 200 appointments this week. I suppose I could force myself to use it for e.g.

Reminding myself of my own appointments, but that's so drastically different from what my customers care about that it would corrupt the whole product if I started adapting it to my own requirements. Dogfooding doesn't have be limited to 'software for software developers.' A lot of it is 'software for software businesses' or 'software for problems which occur in software businesses, but which are not unique to software businesses.' Any of the above is probably 'dogfooding' for small companies where people wear many hats while having lowish internal firewalling and power disparity.

It's often much less useful at a BigCo where the product team may never see the internal users without scheduling a meeting in advance, and where fixed development schedules and internal politics are creating design lock-in. Also keep in mind that, for every story about dogfooding improving product quality, there are others about dogfooding creating a runaway blind spot because the company confused the needs of internal users with the needs of customers. Internal use can be a useful resource, but it can't replace customer research. Very much so, in fact Close.io. At my previous employer, a small browser vendor that decided to abandon its own rendering engine and browser stack, I stopped using our product because Linux wasn't a priority. Numerous reasons were given, such as low market share, “only geeks use it”, all journalists use Macs, &c. This was to the point of ridiculing the platform and the people working on it, frequently citing “Linux jokes” such as “you'll probably have to recompile your kernel first” whenever the question was seriously raised about when we'd start at least getting the core libraries working.

And when I say it wasn't a priority, I mean that we didn't even have something that was in a compilable state. A few people had started fixing up the broken code to get something that would compile on Linux in their own free time. After a few weeks of hacking, they were told by management to stop what they were doing and instead focus their volunteer efforts on the project goals, being to ship a Windows and Mac version. So the company began the process of forcefully moving developers who'd worked on Linux for over 15 years to platforms they felt uncomfortable and unproductive working on. This is a much longer tale, but it tells the story of a company alienating not only their loyal user base, but also a significant proportion of their own developers. Lack of motivation and resignations.

Just to make sure I understood right. I read some translation of your post, and I think translation was not 100% correct, so I wanted to ask you. In your phrase “So the company began the process of forcefully moving developers who'd worked on Linux for over 15 years to platforms they felt uncomfortable and unproductive working on”, you meant that developers who wrote code for the product for Linux, were forced to start writing code for Mac/Windows? Not that they were forced to change their actual development environment OS from Linux to Windows or Mac?

Thanks in advance. The sad thing is that if Opera 12 is/was your favorite browser (as is mine), you will very likely hate Opera 15+, because it is the very opposite of everything that made O12 great. O12 was the most customizable browser and O15+ is just a mediocre Chrome clone.


Opera is actually doing their Linux users a service (albeit not on purpose) by not letting them see the travesty of a browser that now bears their name. I wish there was no Opera 15+ for Windows, at least then I would keep the hope for more good versions, instead of knowing that the best browser has died. By the way, there is a project to create a free browser inspired in O12. I know this is a somewhat tangential comment but. The 'eat your own dogfood' approach has never sat well with me. I think of Microsoft forcing it's employees to use Bing and Windows - rather than improving the products it seemed to lower morale and ignored the reasons why people were choosing Google or Apple. If the idea is to improve the product by actually using it I think a better approach would be to 'eat everyone's dogfood including your own,' because so many good ideas come in bits and pieces from competition and new ideas can come from surveying the entire market to see what's missing.

It's not just about experiencing the good/bad of your own product, but seeing where you fit in the market, who would choose your product, and why. I'm working on a website that sells top-end, hand-made fountain pens at $2,000 apiece. They'd be wasted on me - lousy handwriting - but boy do I want one. I'm having to restrain myself from telling you, at length, just how beautiful and desirable they are.

I would LOVE to have one of those things in my hand at some kind of ceremonial contract signing. And if someone asked me 'Where did you get that pen?' I'd just swoon with happiness.

Zud.io: Zudio Azure Storage Management Tools For Mac Pro

So I don't need it. I don't use it. But I'm still very much eating my own delicious dogfood. We use out product, JackDB1, everyday both for analysis and to develop the product itself further. It's a database client entirely in your web browser and we use it to run queries to analyze stats, research database features, and just general querying. If you have the luxury of working on a product you use yourself ( anybody work on developer focused solutions probably falls in this category) then I highly recommend it.

Daily use of a product shows you let's you really see what parts of our product are not quite 'smooth'. Just don't go down that rabbit hole too far. The features you use and how you use them don't always align with everybody else. As an example, when we first got started with it, what we considered a 'low barrier' for a new user to try it out was actually quite a leap. Seeing real users struggle with that let us solve it. In your own bubble you might not notice things like that. ElectricAccelerator is predominantly written in C/C, with some Java for the cluster manager server component.

Zud.io Zudio Azure Storage Management Tools For Mac

As of the 7.1.0 release, it's about 375KLOC in C/C (excludes comments and blank lines) and 100KLOC in Java (excludes comments and blank lines). Compiling and linking from scratch takes about 29 minutes serially, but only about 2 minutes when I use ElectricAccelerator to build it (with a cluster of 16 worker agents). We use ElectricCommander to orchestrate our CI process:. checkout from Perforce. build (which uses ElectricAccelerator).

run unit tests. build installer. install on test cluster.

run integration tests. We used to do dog fooding in our company with our intranet product; after about 5 years our client wishes diverted so wildly from what we used it for that it began to work against us. We were actually building features for clients which interfered with the features we used/needed (and over 200 people in our company depended on) which resulted in a lot of time lost to make sure both everything worked well.

In the end it was not sustainable; we almost went under because of it when we started work on the new major version. I guess the answer is; it depends, but i'm very cautious now because of the above; once you have your whole organization and client base working with it fulltime, it is hard to switch and you often cannot say no to features as the competitors will be adding them. We should've (hindsight) just forked our intranet and forget about selling that part with the 'new' stuff. Localytics: We dogfood it all the way, so definitely every day for our own needs. We analyze the performance, event breakdown, engagement stats, funnels, and everything about our analytics dashboard within our own analytics dashboard.

Traditionally we do analytics/marketing for the mobile space, but it works great for web as well. We also have a couple of people on the mobile team who launched an iPhone app for tracking the Boston subway:. They of course use Localytics for their analytics and in-app and push marketing and gave us great feedback. We've learned a ton from real-world use of our app in both contexts. Dogfooding really is invaluable for us. Yes, I was a Webmin user before beginning to work on it, and I continue to use it (and Virtualmin and Cloudmin) daily, fourteen years after I first installed it; it's been among my most consistently used tools, alongside vim, bash, Linux, Apache, Postfix, Perl, and Python (roughly in that order of usage) throughout all of that time. I don't use Usermin as much as I used to, now that there are vastly better webmail clients (GMail is damned hard to beat, though now that I'm taking encryption more seriously and there isn't a good client-side encryption option for GMail I'm back to using Thunderbird for most mail tasks).but, we're working on fixing that problem, so might begin using it again as my daily mail client within the next six months to a year.

I'm using Pinegrow Web Designer daily. Usbflashcopy 1 6 keygen for mac. It lets me easily work with layout, design and content of our static websites. From the very beginning it was something I wanted to have for myself - an GUI web builder that feels natural to developer used to working with code.

And internal use also drives product development - whenever I come across an annoying task (for example, changing between different form layouts in Bootstrap) I try to add a tool for handling that, preferably with a single click. I can't imagine any other way of developing a great product. Edit: Just read a good point by patio11. What I said of course only works if you are a member of your target audience.

I build Review Board , a code review tool, and its SaaS counterpart, RBCommons. We use our public Review Board server for every change going into Review Board itself, and RBCommons for every change going into RBCommons. While 'eating your own dogfood' doesn't work in every industry or product (as some of the top comments are discussing), I'm a firm believer that if you're developing something intended for a typical person (developer, casual user, what have you) to use every day, you really should be using it every day as well. I've used too many products that were 'mature' yet felt so poorly designed and developed that you'd have to wonder if anyone at the company ever touched them beyond basic testing. Yep, switched from my custom mutt+offlineimap setup to using the FastMail web interface entirely a while back - and I very rarely miss it. Sure I could filter my email a little faster having one SSD all to myself rather than sharing IOPs with other users, but it's still plenty fast enough for my needs - and if it isn't, then I know it's time to get better hardware or find something to optimise in the code, because other users are feeling the same pain.

(optimising the code can be the tiniest things too - I stripped a misguided optimisation just the other day, for about a 10% speedup in some very common operations. Just removing a flag single test as every character was appended to a buffer - even though it meant having to potentially do a malloc and memcpy in the degenerate case - is a win overall in our tests).

I work in a digital agency serving corporate clients. We have build Costlocker a tool for monitoring our project costs and profitability. We desperately looked for such tool to use it ourselves, but found nothing. So we decided to build it.

Only in the process of making it, we have realised that there must be other agencies that need it too. In the end we have a product that we use ourselves everyday and sell it to other agencies too. What's interesting, we are still learning how to use it in the best way possible and we then share our knowledge with other users. So the benefit of using the product yourself is not only in requirements specification and testing, but in workflow and usage best–practices.

Yes definitely. I personally see this as a key ingredient in order to make a project really work. Of course this doesn't work for things like an X-Ray machine, but for a SaaS company like CloudPelican it does.

We currently use it to investigate root-causes of disruptions, track down bugs in the development and staging environment, and most important: monitor our entire infrastructure. This is also in line with our company vision that should allow users to have a single overview on their entire stack of servers, websites and applications. This will reduce time spent on digging through log files, switching between lots of fragmented SaaS tools, et cetera. Theneeds.com here. I can't say I use it daily, but surely more than 1/week. My interests are tech and quite specific, and HN is better from that point of view, but for general news I use Theneeds. I'm also a person that doesn't post/like/share too much (neither on HN, Theneeds, Twitter, Facebook.).

My co-founders however use it daily. It's their primary source of news & things to share. Sometimes, we also use it to stream the 'hot' music at home;) Moreover, we recently added to the team a couple of 'enthusiastic'. Pretty cool (and satisfactory) imho! I am creating a web browser for iOS that focuses on online privacy. Like many of us, I use a number if privacy-focused plugins in my desktop browser (ABP, NoScript, Lightbeam, self-destructing cookies, etc.) but I also find myself increasingly browsing the web on my iPad - where these protections are non-existent.

Privacy mode helps a little, but it was never designed to combat the online tracking we see today. So yes, I am building for myself. But hopefully I am not the only one wanting a powerful mobile browser that protects me and my loved ones from being tracked and fingerprinted online.

Zud.io: Zudio Azure Storage Management Tools For Mac

I work on Teaspoon (a javascript test runner for rails) that has support for Jasmine and Mocha - I don't use it every day, but the team does use it on a daily basis. The thing is that people have submitted a bunch of pull requests for features that I don't personally use (QUnit, Angular, etc.) and that has made it harder to maintain those features. I struggle with saying no, because I want the library to be useful, but I also don't want to have to maintain and potentially break features that I don't personally use. We just added a new page in our admin panel labelled 'dog food' and will be using that as a testing lab. The product we sell is a technology for sales teams and now that we are out selling ourselves we have a greater need for our own product. Although the conventional wisdom is to build things you had a need for yourself, I believe this is one of the riskiest ways to create breakthrough innovations. Far easier to go find people who have a problem and who are not developers and get them to pay for something.